Monday, February 16, 2009

5IVE (Fifth Class Response)

This week we did not meet in the classroom - and I had not read the chat room log or the assignment for next week - so, I didn't know... lame! I like the bliss assignment a lot - that is very cool. Hopefully, I can get my ladyfriend on board for it... That would be most awesome. Either way looking forward to doing enjoyable things for three hours and not just wasting time - but rather completing an assignment. Cool. I have already given some thought to my final project and I have some grandiose plans - I have a good feeling that at least some of it will come to fruition as I have a friend (soon to be a room mate) who has the same goal in mind and always is encouraging and helpful about any weird/ridiculous projects. Project: To turn my $650 Jeep essentially into a riot tank... Details forthcoming.

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