Monday, March 2, 2009

7 By 7 - They Came from the Sky...

7th Class meeting response:

Yeah, so I got there late (sorry!) and I walked in hear the class discussing Plato's Republic. Which was interesting - but I might have come in just a minute or two too late because I could tell there were two points being made and they were not reiterated - so I was somewhat lost to what the points from the original argument(s) were pertaining.

After we discussed Plato we went on to talk about class projects. Once again, I am disappointed in the creativity of this class - Beth said no one seems enthusiastic about doing their final projects. This is not entirely true - I for one cannot wait to begin mine. I would have already started if it weren't for two factors: weather, and money. Firstly, I can't get any painting done when it's freezing (or close to it outside) - I have a few friends who can attest to this. Secondly, I am waiting for my goddamn tax return for the small amount of capital I'm going to need - which was supposed to already be here by now! Now, this also wouldn't be a big deal - but I'm broke as a joke because of bills and rent - lame. I actually just got off the phone with the friend of mine who's going to be a major source of inspiration and motivation for this project: he just informed me that he has just acquired a light bar, lights and more scrap metal. So, quite the contrary - I can't wait to get this show on the road!

Pictures forthcoming.

1 comment:

spyroterra said...

You are definitely not one of the uninspired. I know that!