Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Don't You Wish That We Were Dead... Second Time Around...

Back To Haunt You With Our Sound... Second Time Around...
(A Response to the second class)

As far as this egg project went, I was really stressing about doing something really unique and over-the-top (as I am going to try to do for all these projects because that's the point and that is where I feel I'll grow and learn the most - shooting for something ridiculous!) it turns out I may have been in a smaller minority of people in the class than I originally had postulated. I'm guessing that maybe several people did actually have had problems and maybe not known what to expect/what they were "competing" with.
Some people had really cool and far out ideas and... unfortunately, honestly, a few were pretty lame. That's ok though, hopefully the class made them realize they've got to step up their thinking a little and get more creative. There were a few stand outs that started with great ideas and that returned cool results, in my opinion: the "crucified egg," the "apple egg," and the "egg sperm" animation. These really stood out to me as projects that evocative and different - and somewhat bizarre. I really thought the idea of the "Jesus Egg" was fresh, strange, perversely fun and totally different. I also thought that the fact that he was willing to extend his obvious opinion (which I'm sure many did/would/will find offensive) so easily and openly on the second class meeting is really brave, so I applaud him for that.

Honestly, I am a little disappointed in our second assignment: 50 "what if?" questions... I was hoping for something a little bit more physical that I could create or do. And I was thinking of a way to incorporate something physical into these questions, I have a few ideas, but I don't know if I'll have time - as I work two jobs on top of going to school. But, that's ok... the class is yet young and they'll be other opportunities.

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