Monday, February 16, 2009

"...But He Don't Even Look Like Me!"

Ok, for this assingment we were told "document the time spent the bag." I was immediately pissed because I don't know why I should be responsible for this bag - I'm always responsible for my actions in this regard and I GUARNTEE this bag isn't mine! I ain't paying no "bag support" for him! I ain't doing it! But because I'm a nice guy I took care of the little dude because I knew his real father isn't gonna be around:

First we watched TV together. Then I let him listen to some Slayer. Because I know his mom won't let him!

Then I let him have some drinks even though he's a little underage - it's cool, I'm in charge.

It wasn't all just fun and games though - there was learning! I also taught him about nature!

Then we finished the day with a little geography. He told me he thinks that I'm cooler than his mom... I agree.

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