Monday, January 26, 2009

"What Do You Want, Egg in Your Beer?"

Maybe you are familiar with this saying/expression, "What Do You Want, Egg in Your Beer?"

If not, there are numerous websites explaining the concept; such as:
(courtesy of Beth herself).
It basically means "What more do you want?," anyway given that we had received the instructions to do something related to an egg, that I have been homebrewing for a few years now, and that the newly added "Intro to Microbrewing" and the Wine Tasting classes were mentioned - it only made sense: I was going to brew a beer using the egg!

Now, let it be known: I am not some alcoholic fratboy making toilet wine just to get drunk - as there seems to be some sort of stereotype that if you say you like beer, you like bunge drinking 50 " 'stones" and doing kegstands all night/day long. How were it not so! I am, first, and foremost a industry professional who promotes the furthering of imported, craft, and microbrewed beer. That is to say experimental, interesting, and flavorful ales and lagers that are either completely one of a kind or harken back to centuries of brewing tradition.

Now with that out of the way - I had heard of strange brew recipes from Victorian-era England such as "cock ale" (yes, rooster beer) and "oyster stouts" (with actual oysters in them!) So, these being noted; an egg beer isn't really all that strange. I became worried about the sanitation of the egg - as most germs and beer do not mix well. So rather than opt for putting the egg itself in the beer I found an alternative that many people on the web said they've heard of - but don't know any further info nor have they tried it themselves. That is, using the egg white and shell as clarifiying agents - like in a beef stock. This is what I chose to do as it made the most sense and would probably return the most favorable results. I must say, I was surprised that it worked as well as it did!


Unicorns4Breakfast said...

What if the beer is skanky?

Joe said...

"Skanky," as in sexually promiscuous? I tried to raise it better than that, but it makes it's own decisions.

Anonymous said...

What if instead of being so interested in beer, you were just as interested in weed and it were legal? Would you use it as bong water?

Anonymous said...

What if the beer you made got infected with a rare fungus and gave you super human powers?

Chris Clarke said...

What if this beer ended up being the best beer ever brewed?

stan said...

What if this creates a craze for egg beers?